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How we go about it

We leverage best-of-breed technologies, processes and talent to deliver customized solutions for our clients’ individual needs.

Customized Solutions

Continuous Quality Management

Leveraging Technology

Customized Solutions:

Our experience suggests that the challenges in Talent Acquisition differ from company to company. A solution can deliver value only if it accounts for the unique requirements of the company and addresses gaps.

Our solutions are modular, flexible and configurable — so only relevant parts of our tools and services are leveraged to address your specific needs.

Such a customer-centric approach translates into a far more effective solution, deployed in a shorter time span, using a combination of proprietary tools, processes and systems.


Continuous Quality Management:

Being an ISO 9001:2000 certified company, quality is a common strand that runs through our delivery model — for both our products and services. We have developed and systematized quality procedures that can also form the frameworks for your quality processes when you use our products or services.

For instance, our Recruitment Outsourcing services have in-built quality checks at every stage of the recruiting process that are recorded and rated along with the performance and overall output quality figures. Our MatchBoard® system offers a flexible process-quality management facility that can be customized to your enterprise needs.

When you partner with Infinix, you not only get world-class products and services, but also the quality procedures that are a part and parcel of our offering.


Leveraging Technology:

We leverage technology to turbo-charge ordinary solutions, wherever possible, in the HR domain. This means looking for and identifying areas within business processes that can benefit from automation, and then applying an appropriate technology solution (whether off-the-shelf or custom designed) to make the entire process more efficient and effective.

Our patented MatchBoard® Talent Acquisition System is a demonstrable example of the innovative use of communications, database and collaboration technologies.
