What Sets Us Apart:
Here's what differentiates Infinix from the rest:
- Work with Limited Client Resources
Infinix methodologies are designed to work with limited client resources - primarily personnel. For example, along with basic outsourcing services (implementation and operation), Infinix offers additional services upstream (e.g. RFP preparation, analysis/design) and downstream (post- implementation maintenance) to help clients with limited resources to take advantage of outsourcing. You don't have to forego outsourcing because you don't have the time to document your application or prepare an RFP. Project plans can be developed flexibly to compensate for limited resources by building in additional steps, bringing in outside resources, working jointly to reduce costs or elapsed time, evaluating mini 'build v/s buy' options, etc.
- Business Unit Interaction
Input from your business users is crucial to the success of any applications development project, whether outsourced or not. Such input is crucial during design, specifications validation, developing standards, testing and acceptance. Infinix makes special provisions in project plans to build in this activity, including assigning a dedicated Business Analyst to work with your business users, where necessary.
- Risk Mitigation
Some outsourcing projects are more importantto a client than others - in terms of -strategic importance, -size or cost, -inherent risk, or because of extreme time pressure. Various risk mitigating strategies can be undertaken between client and vendor when outsourcing such a project, including building in risk mitigation activities using prudent trade-offs - e.g. in elapsed time or additional client personnel involvement. Depending on the nature of the outsourcing project, Infinix discusses and designs risk-mitigating strategies with you, as applicable.
- Managing Change
Offshore outsourcing is especially suitable for applications that are - work-in-progress. Although it may appear counter-intuitive at first, an application that keeps adding new features and enhancements, can be more economically developed offshore where costs can be as low as $15/hour for a developer. Infinix's project team can quickly develop expertise in your application to be able to churn out new features faster and cheaper than if you had to do it on site. Even though such applications may throw up some challenges in initial project planning, a little teamwork and a long-term view can pay off big.
- Customized Project Teams
Infinix maintains a staff of skilled Project Managers, QA Specialists, Analysts and Designers who together manage the pivotal aspects of an applications project. Based on the project, a team of developers, team leaders, database specialists, etc. with the specific skills needed for the project is then assembled. At the culmination of the project, the team is disbanded and a new one assembled tailored to the next project. This approach not only reduces your cost, but also improves productivity and reduces time for completion.
- Quality Focus
Time-tested internal product-development methodologies are applied to your outsourcing projects. Quality is built into the entire development process, not just at the testing stage after development. The objective is to avoid expensive re-engineering and to apply timely course corrections to the whole project based on checkpoint assessments in each stage of it. This focus on quality does translate into some additional involvement by your business users and IT staff, but the benefit is an application that meets your expectations, and takes less time to complete.